Monday, August 8, 2011

Why are Capricorns so Deviant?

I had two close Capricorns in my life but that all that fizzled out when I found out that they were just Self Serving. One was a boyfriend and one was a friend. I found out that they are both ual deviants as well! One would be someone's mistress just to get money and gifts and the other wanted to sleep with my friends and sisters. I had a falling out with them when those two Caps wanted hook up and have a that included me! I tried explaining to them about propriety, respect and boundaries but they didn't get it. Is anything SACRED to these Capricorn people? I am a Scorpio and we are suppose to be the freaks in the bedroom! I personally hold myself up to high standards of behavior and propriety and would never act out improperly with regard to , is sacred to me. I tried explaining to the one Cap about my reverence towards , however he said it was all nonsense and said he should be allowed to do whatever he wants. Help! What's wrong with these people? Don't they get that somethings are not appropriate! That there are areas that are Sacred such as marriage, friends and family and that they should not go there? What perplexed me the most was when they had the audacity to ask me what was wrong with me when all this was going down!

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