Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I think I just came in contact with something paranormal. Possibly an alien.?

OK I was Fishing tonight by myself in my hometown Sacramento, California On south river road. If you know Sacramento and you know where the Freeport bridge is you make a right and there's an area in between the water pump station the address of the water pump station is 30030 south river road. well if you go the other way for a while you will run into the Freeport bridge. its in between the bridge and the pump station. I got there around six pm and it was still day light, well i walked up the road to see if i could find a spot with some firewood i must have walked a mile before i found a spot in the river where you wont get snagged on a tree because the river is really high rite now so its kind of hectic out there so i found a spot and fished for a while and it started to get dark so i snagged my line i went to rig my pole again and i looked in my bag and i had no more hooks so i pack up and start walking back. well every thing was fine i some cars ped and Evan though i didn't have a flash light I m not afraid to walk a little while back to my car you know nothing should be out there. So i walk for a while and I start to hear this buzzing noise and as i get closer i seemed to get louder!!! well i didn't pay that much attention at first but all of the sudden my ears started hurting and i could feel my whole body vibrating!!!!! I just dropped my stuff and my body just let out a the most frightening sound I think i have ever made And i have never felt so freaked out in my life!! I'm still freaked out here OK. When i got up close to it i thought i saw something and i just felt panicked so i threw everything on the ground,my fishing pole, my Ryobi sander pouch i use as a tackle box, My plastic bag with sardines and smokes. I was so scared i ran the fastest i have ever ran in my life. it was dark and i was hoping it wasn't anything extraterrestrial or anything. Well anyways I jogged or ran stopping suddenly from time to time to see if i could hear any footsteps or anything behind me, well i get to this gated driveway wand there's a sign that says Feeport pump station so i call a cab.... and i try to tell them without it seeming like I'm crazy but they had me take a pic of my drivers license and i told them if the driver came out i would give him twenty bucks and the dispatcher asked me if i used drugs and I don't. I'm perfectly sane and drug free. he had told me about people crank calling on Friday and Saturday nights well i finally got him to send out a unit. the unit gets there and i tell him as i get into the car the story and had him stop to see if my fishing pole was still in the road but it was gone and my tackle bag was too. i found my plastic bag of anchovies with smokes still in them and bait i should have had the cab driver wait and listen with me but i didn't want him to think i am crazy. so i take him to my a.t.m because they don't have card sliders and he was pretty cool. well he took me back to my car after i gave him the twenty bucks and i got in my car and drove slowly the other way to see if i could hear it but i couldn't So i think it was something paranormal or an animal or a animal deterrent. my ears still hurt and i will never forget that sound it was ultra sonic. I am going back tomorrow to investigate and i will rip down anything i see that looks like a animal deterrent people just cant put them on the road like that. Id like to know who wrote that law. i looked online for animal repellent devices and all of them say humans cant hear the noise, well i guess i have some kind of special hearing ability................... YEAH RITE!!! Has anyone herd of a such deice that will do the same to humans? because if not I ran into something out there and I'm not going to stop investigating until i get some answers. So please someone maybe someone with good pest control experience can tell me or anyone Thank you I know I'm not crazy.

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