Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Do i have an eating disorder?

I am a 15 year old diabetic. I currently weigh 105 lbs at a height of 4'11. I'm a straight A student with a GPA of 4.4. I am on the dance team @ my school. I have had body issues since middle school. My whole family is reallyy healthly and my all my aunts and my mom have lost weight and some aunts are still trying. 2 of my aunts have already had eating problems and it messed up thier metabolisms. During the last 4 months of 2009, i would try sooo hard not to eat anything. I went 2 whole days without eating. My blood sugar levels dropped constantly. I even went to the hospital because my readings went too low and my liver was getting harmed from not eating enough carbs. I almost didin't make it. I was kept in the hospital for 3 days to make sure i ate and kept my readings up. I gained 4 pounds in the hopsital. When i got out, i went back to my rigorious excercising of walking around a big campus at school all day(including lunch) going to dance practice after school for 2 hours(sometimes 3) then coming home to work out with my mom for 40 minutes @ the gym thennn come home to get on the treadmill for an hour. I would only eat small amounts like a granola bar and fruit for lunch or one bowl or cereal for breakfast. The only full meal i would eat was dinner because my parents were there watching me. When i went back to dance my coach said it looked like i lost weight and not ina good way. She wanted me to take a break from dance so i could get better. I chose not too...I recently started throwing up my food in december of 2009. I still am throwing up and now im beginning to eat alot more then just a little and then throwing up. While in the hospital, my parents and doctors talked to me about if i had a eating disorder. I said i believed i didn't. But i feel like i am. I don't believe im allllll that fat, i just think i could be thinner. Please help me and guide me to some websites where i can get help confidentially. Do i have bulimia nervosa? PLEASE HELP.

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