Wednesday, August 10, 2011

To exhausted to do homework?

ok so this is my second semester in cejep. Last semester i was always extremely tired and i always found myself doesing off on the metro, the bus and even while sitting in the hallways in school. last semester i had a long 4 hour break and it was warm outside so i often went outside and ate lunch under a tree and took a little nap. this semester i am even more exausted! i fall asleep on the bus, the metro and even in cl once or twice. i try extremly hard to concentrate ( which usually i am very good at and i am usually an extremely good student) i open my eyes wide, sit straight up and focus on what the teacher is doing and saying but i was so exausted once or twice i actually fell asleep sitting up. i no longer have a long break and i also cant go sit under a tree because its winter. I can't go to bed earlier because i have no time between the hours of homework i usually get, my cl schedual, falling asleep, getting stuff ready for school and using 4 hours of my day to travel back and fourth from school. i also sleep in the living room because i do not have a room and i sleep on a hard couch my bf brought for me since my parents dont care and would never by me anything...... i usually only go to sleep about 1, 1:30 after all i have to do and after waiting for my parents to go to bed and i have to wake up at 6:45 2 days a week and 5:30 everyother day. i am unable to choose what time i go to bed because my parents are aways up listening to loud music and drinking, then i finnally get to bed and im waken up all hours of the night by people constantly coming out making food, leaving the lights on, letting all our 4 cats out of the room ( i put them there when the 2 female cats are in heat and MY kitten likes to bite and scratch all night and they get into mischief and they also pee on my bed while im asleep sometimes....) then in the morning i wake up to everyone arguing, laughing and turning the tv loud, my dad even sometimes moves the couch with me on it looking for something...... im always tired, always stressed out and i dont know what to do anymore, my grades are slipping i usually get 85 and up but latley it has been below that... i even recieved a 56 today on an ignment for biology because i had no time to finish it. I also try hard to do my work and study but i usually fall asleep while doing it....... sitting up or not..... what can i do , someone please help i cant go on like this........ about a month ago i even had like a mental breack down because the person at mc donalds gave me the wrong order i started freaking out ( and im NEVER that way... im usually quiet and shy). i feel so much anger towards my whole family, my little sister (shes 16 because shes always a SUPER ***** to me) i have no respect for my parents ( there are sooooooo many reasons ) and i just want to get out of that house but i cant because i have no money, my parents wont help and my bf also cant help because he is also is a predicament. ive been searching for a job but it seems impossible because u am always in school.... only have time on weekends, i cant speak French, and i have little experience. this doesn't do much while living in quebec, im in a french course right now in cejep hopefully this will help but i dont know what to do for now! someone help please

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