Saturday, August 13, 2011

Muslims... did Muhammad REALLY choke Satan out???

Muhammed is sent not only to the Human Kind but to the Jinn Kind as well. The Jinn are Satan and His follower. The Jinn like humans believe, or follow the same religions as we do, some are Jewish, Christians, Muslims, atheists or followers of Satan. Their lead's objective is to make man kind astray from God's Guidance and eventual end up in Hell. The Hadith, and not the Quran that talks about that Is that Mohammed (Peace and Blessing be Upon him) Did capture a very skilled Jinn known as Ifrit. He Tied him up to a post out side the mosque and had it not been for the Pray of Solomon (PBUH) asking Allah to not give any other Human a Kingdom like the one he was blessed with in which he had complete Dominion of the Jinn and Ruled and Allah gave him power over them that caused Mohammed (SAW) to release him. But it was not Satan him self. The Arabic word for a Bad Jinn, or Human is Shaytan (Satan). In English Satan Means Lucifer. Lucifer real name is Ibliss as in the Quran. I think I understand your confusion between Hadith and Quran. The Quran Is God actual words. Hadith is the Collection of Mohammeds sayings and actions, like the Bible. The difference between the Quran and the Bible is the Quran Gods word, given to Arch Angle Gabriel to deliver to God's Messenger Mohammed (PBUH)

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