Saturday, August 13, 2011

Is Tom Cruise a Macho?

Nicole Kidman says she fully understands Katie.. who at present is staying in NYC and she loves it there.. she is just not an L.A. kind of girl.. and she can be more independent from her husband Tom Cruise in New York City.. she stays until her film shoot is finished in Jan.. she asked him if they could not be a ''bi-coastal couple..'' as Tom's work is all in L.A.. but he won't consider this.. because he doesn't want to be separated one day from Suri.. and in NYC Katie doesn't have to go to the Scientology meetings every day as she is forced to in L.A... Nicole Kidman said.. she feels with her and says she remembers what it was like when she was married to Tom.. he always wanted her to wear nice clothes and be in the background.. it was all about him and he was the ''famous one'' he wants to be in the limelight and can't ever bear to come second... Nicole said.. ''I am glad I am not married to him anymore.. Poor Katie, she looks so unhappy all the time and a lot of people say she should get out of that marriage soon.. that's also Nicole's advice to Katie.. to realize what Tom is like.. he wants a Stepford wife.. with no will of her own.. just look pretty and otherwise does as in the film ''Stepford wives...''' he must have a big ego problem

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