Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Dreams of turtles and pelicans?

I was standing in this murkey underp and in front of me appears a mother turtle. In the sewear drain beside her came her babies and they were crawling under her shell for protection, but one of the little one was hurt , it had a arrow piercing through its shell and he couldnt make it under her shell to safety. I felt like i was dong the right thing by pulling out the arrow and i felt so good because i was helping out the poor thing. As i was walking away a pelican appears by me and he wants to go eat the baby turtles and i hold back the pelican so he couldnt harm them. as i am hold this enormous bird back i see the mother sniffing the hurt one and i see how she rejects him and wont let him under her shell and it makes me so angry after she rejects him she lifts up her shell and lets all the others fall out as well.At this point i am so angry i let the pelican go to eat the babies and i walk away not turning back once. what does this dream mean?!

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